Record referrals for Somerset Council’s Route1 Advocacy Service

A much-valued service that plays a vital role in supporting children and young people in the county, has recorded its 1000th referral.

The milestone was achieved by Somerset Council’s Route1 Advocacy Service. Their highly trained volunteer team recognise the importance of children’s voices being heard – and they are committed to maximising them.

Any child receiving a service from Children’s Social Care, can request an advocate. The advocate’s role is to listen to a child’s wishes and feelings and ensure they are acted on. They might speak up on behalf of a child, write a letter, make a phone call, or help them understand their rights at an important time in their life. They can also attend meetings on behalf of the child and provide support during times of change.

The role is demanding, yet rewarding, as one Route1 Advocate volunteer explained: “Seeing a child in a difficult situation is never easy. But when you meet them again, say 18 months later, and you can tell they are in a much better place, well I don’t know a better feeling than that.”

Cllr Heather Shearer, Executive Lead Member for Children, Families and Education, said: “The Route1 Advocate Service does some truly amazing things for young people in Somerset. To reach a landmark 1000 referrals, is testament to the dedication and care volunteers bring to the role.

“They work alongside individual children in care to ensure their wishes and feelings are considered when decisions are made that affect them. And they help children and families, using their many skills and experience.

“Route1 Advocate volunteers make a real difference, and I applaud their outstanding efforts.”

If you are passionate about making a difference to the lives of vulnerable children and young people, there are opportunities to volunteer for the Route1 Advocacy Service.

To learn more visit

The Route1 Advocacy Service can be contacted on 01749 822801 or by email