Somerset Council’s Executive today received an update on the ‘My Life, My Future’ programme which is also projecting additional recurring savings of over £3 million in 2025/26.
Like all councils, Somerset Council is under pressure financially due to a combination of increasing demand and costs, particularly for vital services looking after older people and adults with disabilities.
In 2023, the Council began working with Newton on the ‘My Life, My Future’ programme, which aimed to support people with lived experience and their carers to live healthier and more independent lives. This included using new ways of working to support people to regain skills and confidence, helping them to stay at home and supporting people to learn new skills and to do more things for themselves.
‘My Life, My Future’ has delivered significant operational improvements, and latest reports state the Council has delivered over £10 million in recurring savings. Alongside the benefits to Somerset Council, there has also been a positive impact for the NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB), by supporting more people to go home after a stay in hospital.
Due to its success in Somerset, ‘My Life, My Future’ has been shortlisted for the prestigious Local Government Chronicle (LGC) award for ‘Health and Care’ for its achievements, with the award ceremony set to take place in June of this year.
Councillor Sarah Wakefield, Lead Member for Adults Services, Housing and Homelessness at Somerset Council said:
‘The ‘My Life, My Future’ programme has brought about real sustainable changes in the delivery of Adult Social Care in Somerset. By focusing on independence and better outcomes for our residents, we have not only improved their quality of life but also ensured the sustainability of our services.’
‘I am incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication of our staff, Newton colleagues and partners in ensuring the success of a one-off investment to deliver long term, ongoing transformation to the services we provide.’
The Council will continue to build on the success of ‘My Life, My Future’ to ensure that Somerset remains a healthy and supportive county.