Somerset Council is asking members of the public to have their say on proposed changes to admission arrangements for Somerset schools for the academic year 2026 to 2027. The Consultation runs from today, 2 December 2024, to 20 January 2025.
Admission arrangements can include catchment areas, the number of school places available and how they are allocated according to the school’s over-subscription criteria.
If you have a child due to start or transfer school from September 2026 you may wish to view and / or comment on any admission arrangements for schools that are relevant to you.
Individuals are invited to share their thoughts via the online consultation which can be found here Somerset 2026-27 Admission Arrangements Consultation – Somerset Council – Citizen Space.
Councillor Heather Shearer, Lead Member for Children, Families, and Education said:
“In Somerset, we are proud that the majority of children secure a place at their preferred school. However, we are always looking for ways to improve the system, and so I encourage all parents and carers who are applying for school places to participate in this consultation. By sharing your views and feedback, you help us make the admissions process more straightforward and, most importantly, fair.”
The consultation is open to all members of the public and all comments will be taken into consideration by the Admission Authority for the school. The Admission Authority will differ from school-to-school e.g. Governing Body/Academy Trust/Local Authority.
For the 2024 intake, 98.86% of applicants were offered a place at one of their top three choices for primary, and 98.13% for secondary.