Gideon Amos MP was given a tour of CMiST – Community Men in Sheds Taunton – by the chairman John Thwaites.
John explained that the charity was originally set up in Australia for men who found themselves on their own. They may be single, widowed or retired with their wife still working.
Once established, the organisation went national and international and CMiST was the 460th shed set up in the UK.
With an increase in suicides among women directly after the Covid pandemic, a joint session was launched.
The charity – based near Taunton Station – is now open on Tuesdays (men only), Wednesdays (ladies) and Thursdays and Fridays (mixed).
John said: “We work closely with other organisations such as Mind, the NHS, Ark and village agents as well as environmental groups including Geckoella.
“Among our current work is making pine martin boxes for the reintroduction of the birds on to Exmoor.”
CMiST has expanded thanks to grants from Taunton Town Council, Taunton Co-op, the National Lottery and Morrisons with two ‘flat-pack workshops’.
These have been split into furniture recycling and upcycling, a pottery workshop with a kiln and wheel, and a metal workshop. Upstairs there is a craft/ art area with a glass kiln and various artwork.
Mr Amos said afterwards: ““The great thing about our area is the number and hard work of all our local community and voluntary groups.
There is evidence that middle-aged men are more likely to die by suicide than any other group – CMiST provides a warm and friendly place to meet and put your hands to good use.
“My dad taught me basic carpentry and I use it all the time. Woodworking really helps me relax and I can see it’s the same for many at CMIST, getting that unique satisfaction from making things from wood and metal.
“It was also good to see the more experienced members taking newcomers under their wing.
“I’d like to thank John and the team for doing something really positive here in and for our Taunton community, I’ll do whatever I can to support them.”