Apple FM were once again at The Taunton Flower Show in Vivary Park on 2nd and 3rd August. It’s the longest running flower show in the country and second longest in the world. The show has been running since 1831 and is often called The Chelsea Of The West.

Apple FM broadcasted live from the show on both days for a total of 15 hours. A massive undertaking that wouldn’t be possible without the dedication of 16 of our volunteers. This year we were in a brand new location in the park adjacent to the main arena and next to the floral marquee. In stark contract to last year, the weather was warm, dry and sunny.

On both days Apple FM hosted Gardener’s Question Time from The Floral Marquee. This is where the public can come along and ask some experts their gardening questions. The experts this year were Andrew Pitman, Ric Johnson, Ian Clemens, Claire Greenslade, Allan Cavill and Julie Haylock. These sessions were also broadcasted live on Apple FM.

Apple FM also hosted a conversation with William Sitwell. He is an editor, writer, broadcaster and restaurant critic for The Daily Telegraph. Apple FM’s Greg Perkins interviewed William, who is a regular on the television series MasterChef as a quarter final judge. He sets the brief for one group of quarter finalists and acts as the third judge alongside John Torode and Gregg Wallace.
Check out our picture gallery below.